Thursday, June 19, 2014

BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED...Does Our Planet Exist for a Purpose?

                                                         THE WATCHTOWER JUNE 2014


Bible Questions Answered

 Does our planet exist for a purpose?

The earth was meant to be a happy home for mankind
Our planet is ideally suited to host life. It has abundant water, which is essential for life. The earth’s tilt, rotation, and orbit are all just right to prevent the oceans from freezing over or boiling away. And the earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field protect it from deadly radiation. The interdependent web of plant and animal life on earth is simply amazing. Consequently, many people have concluded that our planet was designed for a purpose.Read Isaiah 45:18.

But you may wonder, ‘Is suffering and injustice part of that purpose?’Read Deuteronomy 32:4, 5.
A young man contemplates the colorful variety in natureWill earth’s purpose be accomplished?
The earth was designed to be a happy home for people who respect one another and love their Creator. Thus, human life has a higher purpose than plant or animal life. We can understand who our Creator is and admire and imitate his love and justice.Read Ecclesiastes 12:13; Micah 6:8.
Our Maker can accomplish all that he purposes to do. So we can be sure that he will do away with suffering and injustice and make our planet a perfectly happy home for mankind.Read Psalm 37:11, 29; Isaiah 55:11.


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